Homeschool Program

Bethel Baptist School offers a Homeschool “umbrella” program, to families looking for a solid “cover school” option.  We understand that Homeschooling operates differently than traditional school settings.  Whether you are in the ministry, or just need a more flexible schedule, homeschooling can provide you with a valid option!

However, when it comes to a child’s education, it is important to remember that cutting corners will have a negative impact.  That’s why we believe it is important for Homeschool families to protect themselves through accountability.

We understand that Homeschoolers face four main obstacles in their pursuit of a quality education.  It is our desire to help you overcome these obstacles, to the best of our ability!

1. Finances  ~  (Our prices are minimal, and possibly the lowest you will find!)
2. Flexibility  ~  (We require very few “on campus” attendance days!)
3. Faithfulness  ~  (We have targeted the most important matters of accountability, to validate your schooling!)
4. Fellowship  ~  (We offer the opportunity to participate in our school field trips and activities!)

No place is perfect for every situation and need, but we strive to provide a dependable and organized solution for Homeschoolers!